Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Week of September 21

Our preschool & AK students read the book called The Woods by Paul Hoppe. Preschool checked out a fiction picture book again, and AK got to choose a fiction and a non-fiction.

Kindergarten students read an alphabet book called Twenty-Six Pirates by Dave Horowitz. There was a pirate whose name started with each letter, and they did something that had a rhyme--ie. "Pirate Frank walked the plank." I thought this book was really funny, and it had letter sounds and rhymes, both of which we'd been focusing on.

First graders wrapped up our text-self, text-text, & text-world connections comprehension strategy. We read the book The Lorax by Dr. Seuss and we talked about different connections we could make. With a little prompting, we were able to get tons of connections! This is kind of a long book, so I opted to use my iPad version. I still read it, but the sound effects and background music gave it a cool effect. The kids loved it, and I did too! I've never read it out loud before!

Our second grade students were practicing the 5 Ws last week--who, what, where, when, why & how. To practice, we read My Teacher is a Monster (No I Am Not!) by Peter Brown. Then, we filled out a chart with columns for each W. 

To fill out the chart, we tossed around a beach ball that had the words written on it. Then that student read the word under their writing hand, and came up and filled in the columns.

Our charts all looked similar to this one! 

Third & fourth graders spent the week finishing up their book selfie scavenger hunts. Third graders are working on using call numbers to find books on the shelves, and fourth graders are doing more advanced searches using Lexile levels. Kids just love this activity, and I do too! Plus, it's great practice for independently locating books!

This week (September 28) is a short week, so we're looking at Bookflix/Trueflix and doing some reading, and then we'll start back up with lessons next week!

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