Wednesday, April 15, 2015


Last week, our 2nd graders learned about alliteration through the reading and writing of tongue twisters! Alliteration is the repetition of a certain letter or sound, so tongue twisters were the perfect way to do it!

We read the book ABC Kids, which is an alliteration for every letter, and a poem about a rabbit from National Geographic book of Poems.

Then, the kids tried writing their own alliteration using their name. To publish, they had an art option or a technology option. For the art option, they could use paper plates and markers with pink strips of paper for the tongue. They would design the plate to look like a face, then write the tongue twister on the pink paper. Their final products looked like this:

For the tech option, students took a picture of themselves sticking their tongue out and then added text on top of their picture in Skitch. They emailed them to me and I put them into this Flipsnack book.

I love how all of the projects turned out! Seeing our student's creativity is so fun!

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