Wednesday, September 2, 2015


As a way to encourage daily reading, we have decided to implement a program we will call Read100. Read100 is a simple way to track independent reading minutes at home. Students will bring home a monthly calendar where they record their minutes each day. At the end of each week, students total up how many minutes they read, with the goal being 100 minutes. At the end of the month, students return the sheet and get to put their picture up on the wall as part of the Read100 club. We will track the total minutes each student reads over the course of the year, and provide different incentives for milestones along the way.

Here's what our calendars look like for this month.

And here's our #read100 wall in the hallway. Student and staff pictures will be posted underneath whatever minute total they've read to. I've only got through 600 minutes up so far, but we'll be going higher soon! After 600, we'll start counting by 200's.

I'm excited to see how this turns out and track our minutes we read! 

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