Sunday, September 25, 2016

Week of September 19

We celebrated homecoming this week! It's always a fun week for teachers and kids. We still tried to keep learning in the library, though. Here's what went down...

Our preschoolers read Little Green Peas by Keith Baker. The kids had fun naming the colors and telling their favorite colors!

Our morning AK students listened to A Big Guy Took My Ball by Mo Willems. I love Elephant & Piggie, and the kids did too! The afternoon AKers came in to check out only, since the parade was Friday afternoon.

Our Kindergarteners are practicing using the illustrations to tell a story, so we are going to spend a couple of weeks reading wordless picture books. This is quite possibly my favorite thing to read with kindergarteners...or anyone, for that matter! This week we started with 2 books from Bill Thomson, The Typewriter and Fossil. 


Our first graders checked out their HAWK readers for the first time, so we had to practice some procedures. HAWK readers are leveled texts that the students take home every night to practice their reading at home. They did this in kindergarten, as well, so they were ready to get started! These kids are also practicing numbers up through 100, so we read a book about counting by 1's, 2's, 5's, and 10's called Zero, Zilch, Nada: Counting to None by Wendy Ulmer.

The second graders are practicing identifying and summarizing the beginning, middle, and end of a story. To do this, we read the fable The Hare & the Tortoise. Then, we talked about the BME, and finally students used our Ozobot robots to retell the race. The first day, the kids tried to draw the whole thing based on my model, and it didn't work very well. The robots have to have pretty neat lines and codes to follow. I thought it might be better if I drew them out, then kids pieced them together like a puzzle, but that didn't work as well, either. Finally by the third day, I made a template for the kids to use and fill out. That worked much better, and we had some successes! It's always a learning process for me, as well. Hopefully we're able to try again next week, so everyone can succeed, now that I've figured out how to teach it!

Third graders are learning how to write a personal narrative, so we used this week to talk about the traits of a personal narrative. Then, we read Last Stop on Market Street by Matt de la Peña and talked about which traits of a personal narrative it had. Next week, students will work in groups to read another book and find the elements of a personal narrative.

Fourth graders took a week off from Bloxels, and learned how to log in to our Kidblog where they will write about their independent reading books. I can't wait to see their posts, and I am excited to post what I've been reading about too!

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