Monday, September 5, 2016

Week of August 29: Breakout, Scavenger Hunts, Read Alouds

This week was our first official week of library lessons, and we had so much fun! We also checked out over 3,000 books in the first 9 days...whoa!

I decided to try something new with 4th graders this year as a library intro. I knew I wanted students to do something similar to a BreakoutEDU, but with a little twist. Instead, I thought of what could happen if the librarians were locked in the library, and that's where the inspiration started. 


This is what students saw when they walked into the library. They also saw Tammy go running out. The concept was that Tammy had locked us into the library so that we would quit bothering her in the office. We made a video from Tammy that we showed the kids.

She conveniently left the clues in my pocket, and I was able to get the students organized into their groups that I had setup the night before. To find the first clue they had to use their blacklight to read the message. The clues led them to 2 different new sections in the library, and had them practice using the library search to find 2 different books. They had to turn in the books to Tammy and then she gave them one number of the code to release us.

Everyone had so much fun doing this--the kids and adults! I thought some of the excitement would wear off by Friday since the kids were talking to the other classes, but everyone enjoyed it! And there weren't any spoilers about the code!

Third graders did a scavenger hunt that is more similar to what we've done in the past. They had to use the blacklight pen, and follow a QR code trail, but this time, as kids came in to put return books on the cart they realized the cart was missing. Then we soon found that the computer mice and scanners were also missing! They had to follow the clues to figure out who stole our library stuff! They really enjoyed this, and thankfully, we got all of our things back.

The clues led students to new sections/areas in our library, as well as to find some book series. The final clue showed a picture of someone using our library things, so the kids left the room to go get them back.

Clearly, I have amazing coworkers who help me pull off things like this!

The 2nd graders practiced using the 5 finger rule to find just right books. We reviewed the 5 finger test, practiced together, then students worked independently to find a book that is just right for them.

Putting books into kids' hands just makes us so excited!

Our first graders listened to a story called Cooking with Henry & Elliebelly and practiced making text-to-self connections. We've been taking a little extra time for checkout because it just takes longer at the beginning of the year. Its always fun to get pictures of kids reading together after checking out!

And our kindergarteners have now all been to the library to check out and listen to the story A Perfectly Messed Up Story. This story has great reminders of how to take care of library books, plus it's super funny! Kindergarteners have been checking out one picture book and one non-fiction book so far. 

Is there anything cuter than kindergarteners reading together?! 

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