Sunday, October 25, 2015

Week of October 19

We had kind of a crazy week, between me being gone, the internet not working, kids being gone on field's amazing that I even have anything to post here!

Mrs. Gronemeyer's preschoolers listened to 3 super fun Mo Willems books. These books really encourage student participation, which is the best! I didn't get to see Mrs. Meade's students, but they'll listen to these next week.

Kindergarteners got to use iPads for the first time during library. I absolutely love hearing their voices explain their trees that they drew last week. Precious! Again, only two classes really got to do this, but we'll do it again with other subjects! Here are most of Mrs. Leas' & Mrs. Younger's classes--some students didn't get finished.

The first graders got to read a poem about popcorn, then we wrote our own poem using the five senses. Each student got a little bowl of popcorn to see, smell, touch, taste, and hear!

Second grade practiced retelling a story using beginning, middle, and end. We read the book Edwina, the Dinosaur Who Didn't Know She Was Extinct by Mo Willems. Each student was assigned to draw either the beginning, middle, or end and explain their drawing. We used an app called Doodle Buddy to draw the pictures, then they emailed the pictures to me! I won't post all of the pictures, but they were awesome!

Third graders also got to join in the Mo Willems fun--they are studying author's craft. Mo Willems is an easy way to introduce that, because he uses such obvious, visible features. We made a list of some of his typical features, then kids looked through his books to find examples. They took a picture of the page, then used an app called Skitch to write an explanation on top of the photo. Next week, we'll get a little bit harder and use poetry where the author's craft is hidden in the language instead of just the pictures.

Fourth graders are still working on their research--I'll share more next week when they turn in their notes! 

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