Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Kids as Authors!

When I was in elementary school, one of the things I looked forward to every year was publishing a book at our publication center. Now, our publication center was simply a little office, where we colored some pictures and put them with a story we'd written. The story was typed up by either the librarian or the library associate.

I don't remember all the details, but I remember that it was a big deal to me. The books were laminated and bound and put it our library, and then we got to take them home at the end of the year. I was able to dig up my 3rd grade book--it is hilarious to look back at!
My book on the left, Makenzlie & Lilly's book on the right.

For awhile now, I'd been dreaming of how to bring this to life at Prairie Hill. One day, two third grade girls randomly came in and shared with me a story they'd written and illustrated. What a perfect opportunity--I just had to pitch them my idea, and obviously they said yes!

Here's a little video we put together to explain how we're going to bring this project to any willing students at Prairie Hill!

I'm so excited about this, and I can't wait to see all of the great books our students come up with. I have some other ideas about tools to use, such as iBooks Author, or Google Photo Slideshow (a new YouTube option), or an iPad app such as Little Bird Tales. The options are endless, really.

I'm so thankful for our students and staff members that are always willing to try new things!

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