The start of the school year is almost upon us, and our building is very close to being finished. We are very excited as a staff, and have had a few work days to get the year underway.
I have been busy working all summer processing guided reading, title 1, and leveled classroom readers. It has been a long process, and not always fun at times. Luckily, I've had some great helpers!
I can't wait to see how the next month unfolds and to finally get to see the physical library space. I know that it is going to be an amazing place and that I have wonderful people to work with!
These are pictures of processing the guided reading titles. This included cataloging them into the Destiny system, then barcoding, level labeling, taping, and stamping them. I'm estimating we will have around 12,000 guided reading titles. I am most excited about the non-fiction titles, and how they will perfectly support our science and social studies curriculum.
The last half of April and first half of May were filled with ordering and planning. Our library will be organized by genre, not the Dewey Decimal System. I will be posting about that at a later time, because it was a huge undertaking.

Every time I thought I'd made progress with the current stack of boxes, more would show up. I'm thankful for whoever checked in the box in the bottom picture and left the smiley face. That made me laugh!
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